1st Responder Custom Blankets/Pillows


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Don’t see your department’s blanket or pillow in our shop?

Let us design your custom graphic pillows and/or blankets for $175.00 custom art fee plus production cost.

A member of our staff will contact you once you successfully process your payment.

Thank you in advance for this opportunity of bringing your vision to life.

Contact FIREMANTSHIRT.COM at ORDERWALLSTREET@GMAIL.COM or 973.223.8972, with any questions or concerns otherwise a member of our team will contact you after you successfully process your payment.


NOTES: Sales Tax will be added unless your company or organization can present proof that you are an up to date Non-Profit.

All Set up and design fees are a one time charge. If you consider FIREMANTSHIRT.COM for the processing of the items we design for you will receive at least a 15% discount of the retail cost of production.

We also offer discounts on reprints and reproduction jobs. At your request, completed artwork can be made available to you via flash drive or e-mail download.

Artwork fee includes 3 rounds of revisions. Additional proof changes will be $25.00 per change. Please take your time when proofing artwork and making changes.